Our Services

Project & Change Management

Throughout history, changes have consistently played a vital role in shaping society and the economy. It is not always the strongest who survive, but rather those who are most adaptable to change. Companies that thrive are those that can navigate and adapt to changing circumstances time and time again.

We guide companies through these transformative processes and help them establish a culture of change. Our focus is on not just managing change, but also helping companies see it as an opportunity for growth and innovation.

So, what does our support and accompanying process entail?

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Initial consultation

The initial consultation serves to lay the foundation for successful collaboration between the project team and the client and to ensure that the project is based on a shared vision and understanding.
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Individual needs assessment

This process involves gathering information about the customer's goals and desires. In the course of the individual needs assessment, the customer's requirements are identified in order to develop a project design that meets the requirements.
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Design is a creative process in which the requirements of the customer and the technical possibilities are taken into account. Design includes, among other things, the design of user interfaces, the layout of documents or the planning of process elements.
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Content Consulting

In the course of content consulting, the target groups, the project goal and the desired effect of the content are included. Furthermore, questions of optimization for search engines (SEO) and accessibility for different devices and users (responsive design) are taken into account.
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Quality check

We conduct a thorough check of each project to ensure that it meets the highest standards of quality and compliance with all specified requirements.
Quality check ensures that we are able to ensure that our clients receive the best possible outcome that is both high in quality and aligned with their needs an expectations.
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Delivery of project results

When handing over the project results, the project team ensures that the project result meets the customer requirements - it includes the transfer of all rights of access to the project result as well as technical documentation or operating instructions.


In our e-learning, we follow the blended learning approach. Blended learning (or hybrid learning) is an educational approach that combines traditional, location-based teaching methods with digital learning and online live session methods. This approach gives participants the opportunity to flexibly design their individual learning experience.
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Initial consultation

To ensure successful implementation of the project and the satisfaction of all involved, the initial consultation is of great importance. In the initial consultation, the target group and learning objectives of the e-learning are first defined.

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Conceptual design

In this step, a conceptual design of the project is created to fully understand the client's requirements. Data and documents are analysed and discussions are held with relevant stakeholders to create a first draft.
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Design is about a creative process in which the needs of the client and the technical possibilities are equally taken into account. It influences not only the appearance but also the motivation of the learner.

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Multimedia production

Multimedia production refers to the creation of content that combines multiple media formats to add quality to e-learnings. Images, audio files and video material can be produced either in our in-house studio or remotely.

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Testing & feedback loop

Testing involves trying out the developed learning content to ensure it is effective and user-friendly. The feedback loop helps revise and improve the content to ensure a high-quality final product.
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LMS integration

An LMS enables learning content to be centrally managed, organised and delivered. It also ensures a secure environment for the protection of sensitive data and learning content. The LMS is customised and individualised according to the client's CI.

Web design & portals

We know that your website is more than just a domain on the internet, it is a true extension of the digital brand and the business card on the internet. In most cases it is the first impression of the company to a potential customer or client. 

When implementing a new website, we focus on a mix between clear structures as well as modern design.

We also work in an agile way and believe that communication is the key to success. Throughout the process, we work transparently and are approachable and open to feedback at all times.
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Initial consultation

This is about getting to know each other and clarifying the goals and requirements for the future project.
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Conceptual design

In this step, the concept for the website or portal and the functionality is created. The focus is on the user experience and the goals that are to be achieved with the website.
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Here we define the visual elements, such as colours, fonts and layouts. In the process, we develop a screen design that is used for visualisation.
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Content consulting

One part of content consulting is advising on how the content should best be presented on the website or portal in order to optimally address the target audience. Our role here is to support and help you create appealing content.
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Development & testing

During development & testing, the website or portal is technically implemented and tested for functionality and compatibility.
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Furthermore, measures for optimising the portal for search engines, such as keyword optimisation, are implemented in order to achieve good visibility in the search results.

Web page support

With our monthly service fee, we offer comprehensive support for your website to ensure up-to-date and efficient updates at all times.