Creation of digital courses including new website and portal solution


Institut für Führungskultur im digitalen Zeitalter (IFIDZ)


Education, management & personnel development


E-Learning Design


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About the Client

The Institute for Leadership Culture in the Digital Age (IFIDZ) researches and promotes leadership and management culture in the age of digitalization. It analyzes and defines the new challenges for managers and develops tools to overcome them and to sustainably increase the digital and leadership maturity of managers. The IFIDZ works in a practical, application-oriented manner and in digitally networked structures. It identifies trends in management and leadership and drives the necessary transformation of leadership culture towards digital leadership and agile leadership. The IFIDZ has set itself the goal of researching the effects of digital change on the leadership culture of companies - on a personal and organizational level.

The insights gained for future-oriented management and personnel development are passed on to companies and their employees in studies as well as face-to-face seminars and lectures.


The IFIDZ commissioned the establishment of an effective and appealing online learning environment. The aim was to give managers and prospective managers the opportunity to improve their skills in the digital age.


In collaboration with Barbara Liebermeister (founder of the IFIDZ), we worked on the content of the topics. In line with the topics, we produce multimedia content such as videos, graphics and interactive elements to enhance the e-learning courses. We provide advice throughout the entire process and finalize the online courses with a quality check. The IFIDZ e-academy is updated monthly with new content and thrives on its dynamism.


We used these topics to produce comprehensive e-learning courses, which we integrated into the portal environment we created. We tailored the portal specifically to IFIDZ and built a complete course infrastructure in addition to an appealing landing page. We continue to provide maintenance and technical support and carry out updates and enhancements to keep the platform up to date.

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